Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Seventy2 Survival Kit

If disaster strikes, what would you need in order to survive for 72 hours?

Christian Schauf and Mike Escamilla have that all figured out.

The two entrepreneurs walked into the Shark Tank on the second episode of Season 9, to seek an investment for their product, the Seventy2, otherwise known as the world's first fully-integrated survival system. The Seventy2 is a bag packed with survival essentials including food, lights, gloves, a blanket, an air filtration mask, a water filter, and a shovel that converts into a pick-axe. The idea is for people to keep these bags in their homes (and wherever they go) so they are prepared in case of an emergency situation. And in times where hurricanes and other severe weather patterns are forcing people out of their homes, this product can literally be a life-saver.

The entrepreneurs came in seeking $100,000 in exchange for 5% of their company, which imputes a $2 million evaluation on their company. While this evaluation seems high at first glance, Christian and Mike did have numbers to show for it. After six months of business, the product has already sold $700,000 of product in 64 countries. And to get the business off the ground, they raised $400,000 through a crowdfunding campaign in just one month!

Very quickly it became obvious to the Sharks that these entrepreneurs have the tools needed to survive. But for this very reason, Mark went out because he doesn't like being "dumb money" for businesses that don't really need more than just cash. Barbara didn't seem very interested in the business from an investment standpoint, and she dropped out as well. Robert though offered a proportionate $200,000 for 10%, and gave them just a brief window of time to make a decision. And before Lori could even get her offer out on the table, the entrepreneurs used their survival instincts to act quickly and take Robert's deal.


  1. I am still surprised how this pitch didn’t land a deal from the sharks I feel the survival kits are really important impliments when disaster strikes hopefully you will land a deal next time

  2. Basically a decent survival gear rundown won't resemble some insane deals page with intense red letters all over the place, compelling you to purchase. survival backpacks

  3. You'll never be unprepared for a wilderness adventure with this collection of ... It's lightweight, making it the perfect choice for camping, boating and RV ... Photo: Courtesy of Harbor Freight. 5 / 20. Tool Kit Photo: Courtesy of Harbor Freight sol survival kit
