Guest Blogging

At Blog Shark Tank, we believe that publishing guest articles is mutually beneficial for the author, as well as for the blog. It allows us to share your unique perspectives with our readers and Shark Tank fans, and gives you some nice exposure as well. But in addition to these inherent values, Blog Shark Tank offers some additional benefits to further incentivize you to guest blog and share your content with us!

If you become a weekly contributor to Blog Shark Tank, we will provide you with the following benefits:

- A Free 250*250 sidebar ad.
- A complete bio on the Team page.
- A byline and links on top of each article you write.
- Opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and writers.

Here's How to Start:

Simply email us at with your name and post ideas.
If approved, we will give you the details so you can be publishing within a few days.

We accept articles relating to:

- Shark Tank
- Entrepreneurship
- General Business

So if you are a Shark Tank fan or an entrepreneur with some great thoughts, 
what are you waiting for?!

At Blog Shark Tank, our mission is to critique the entrepreneurs that enter the Shark Tank in order for others to learn from their mistakes. 
We pride ourselves in delivering excellent critiques to Shark Tank fans and entrepreneurs all over the world. 

If you feel you have what it takes to analyze and critique a Shark Tank pitch, 
let us know at 

and we will respond with the details.


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