Wednesday, October 9, 2013

@ Man Medals

Pretty Good Bad Theater

Walking out of the Tank with a deal is a great accomplishment. Getting all the Sharks to laugh hysterically is an even greater one.

Jim O'Brien walked into the Tank with his "exact body double" to introduce his product to the Sharks. After hearing his wife constantly ask him if he wanted a medal for flexing unnecessarily, Jim not only decided to award himself one, but started a business creating them; a business which has only generated $2,500 since its inception a year ago. Asking for $10,000 in exchange for a measly 10% stake in the company, O'Brian valued his company to be worth $100,000, an amount Kevin said is what real medal companies are often valued at. This caused the Sharks to offer some pretty harsh feedback such as Mark's blunt "this is not a business", and Kevin's classic "I forbid you to proceed".

Although it may in fact be a "hilarious shtick" as Robert phrased it, at the end of the day the product serves no real purpose other than being a cute gift item. But it was well worth the shot, especially because we got to see all the Sharks laugh like it's no one's business.

Overall Performance: Presentation: 44/50. Strategy: 13/25. Product: 4/25.

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